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Bernie’s Dog Health Blog

We research and share insights and solutions related to overall dog health from snout to tail.

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What is the Best Treatment for Colitis in Dogs?

What is the Best Treatment for Colitis in Dogs?

When your dog's tummy is irritated, it may actually be a case of canine colitis you're dealing with. Colitis in dogs happens when his colon gets irritated or inflamed and can be a painful mess for your best friends. So what is the best treatment for colitis in dogs?...

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Why is Pumpkin Good for My Dog?

Why is Pumpkin Good for My Dog?

It’s the time of year where pumpkin pie abounds and you may wonder if pumpkin is good for dogs. Pumpkin IS a superfood for dogs, but it may not be the best thing to give your dog this Thanksgiving!

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Help! My Dog is Throwing up Clear Liquid

Help! My Dog is Throwing up Clear Liquid

Dog throw-up isn't the most fun, but it's even weirder when your dog is throwing up clear liquid and you don't know why. Here are some reasons that your dog is throwing up clear liquid and how you can help! Why does my dog throw up? When we think of reasons a dog is...

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Why Do Dogs Eat Grass and Throw Up?

Why Do Dogs Eat Grass and Throw Up?

It seems like every dog does it–dogs eat grass and vomit. Almost like they’re making themselves sick on purpose. It turns out that when dogs eat grass and vomit, that may be very much what they’re doing. The question is about why they need to vomit in the first place.

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Is Halloween Safe for Dogs?

Is Halloween Safe for Dogs?

It’s that time of year and all the good little furry ghouls and goblins are getting ready for the night the doorbell rings incessantly. While some dogs enjoy a good game of dress-up for the festivities, Halloween actually poses some risks for dogs–second only to 4th of July according to experts. So is Halloween safe for dogs? It can be, with some purposed precautions.

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Does My Dog Care About Artificial Coloring in Dog Products?

Does My Dog Care About Artificial Coloring in Dog Products?

When it comes to artificial coloring in dog products, you may think your dog doesn’t care. Maybe they don’t, but you should! Artificial coloring in dog products is no better for them than it is for humans. That means you may want to double-check ingredients before you give your best friend their favorite treat or chew.

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