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Bernie’s Dog Health Blog

We research and share insights and solutions related to overall dog health from snout to tail.

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That’s Not Snow: Why Is My Dog’s Poop White?

That’s Not Snow: Why Is My Dog’s Poop White?

Ever stumble across a pile of your dog’s poop and it looks like someone may have left some chalk in your yard? There are many colors of dog poop, for sure, and they all typically mean something different. But why is my dog’s poop white, you wonder? We’ve got some ideas.

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What To Feed A Dog With Inflammatory Bowel Disease

What To Feed A Dog With Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) in dogs affects their digestive systems and can cause significant irritation and discomfort. It is an inflammation of the stomach and intestines and can have your dog suffering from things like diarrhea, vomiting, severe weight loss and more. Finding the right diet for your dog with IBD can be challenging, so if you’re asking what to feed a dog with Inflammatory Bowel Disease, we have some suggestions. 

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Are You Switching Your Dog To Raw Diet?

Are You Switching Your Dog To Raw Diet?

It’s all about gut health, as gut health leads to better overall health. That’s why you may consider switching your dog to a raw diet. If you’ve ever thought about it, we’ve got some info on the benefits of gut health and a raw food diet for your dog.

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How To Prevent Stress Colitis In Dogs

How To Prevent Stress Colitis In Dogs

Oh, no! Your dog’s had colon blow, and you’re both a mess about it. Stress colitis in dogs is a common digestive disorder that happens when stress or anxiety brings about inflammation in a dog’s colon, but the good news is that there are steps you can take to help prevent stress colitis in dogs.

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How Long Can Dogs Hold Their Poop?

How Long Can Dogs Hold Their Poop?

So how long can dogs hold their poop? It’s an important question for dog parents, particularly because you’re worried about their comfort level (as well as your floor). The answer is that it really depends on the dog.

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What to Do About the Dog Flu?

What to Do About the Dog Flu?

It’s that time of year…and while we are dealing with one of the worst human flu seasons in over 10 years, it appears that the dog flu may be coming to a neighborhood near you. If it hasn’t already, that is. Want to know how to possibly help ward off canine influenza?

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What is the Best Treatment for Colitis in Dogs?

What is the Best Treatment for Colitis in Dogs?

When your dog's tummy is irritated, it may actually be a case of canine colitis you're dealing with. Colitis in dogs happens when his colon gets irritated or inflamed and can be a painful mess for your best friends. So what is the best treatment for colitis in dogs?...

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