Why Is It Important To Know About Types Of Dog Poop?

February 5, 2023
Photo: A King Charles Spaniel smiles as he has good oral health.

It may seem like we do a lot of talking about poop around here and it’s true, we do. That’s because different types of dog poop can tell us about the health of our dog, and knowing what each type of dog poop means can help us take the best care of them we can.

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There’s Such a Thing as Perfect Poop

There really is such a thing as perfect poop, and it happens when your dog’s gut is healthy. When their microbiome is flourishing and there is a healthy ratio of good bacteria to bad (which is unavoidable), their immune system is best able to fight against things that would make your dog feel less than their best. So, knowing about the different types of dog poop and what they might mean is a great way to gauge your dog’s health.

What Are the Types of Dog Poop I Should Know About?

The best type of poop you want your dog to have is the perfect poop. It’s the main reason we created Bernie’s Perfect Poop, and that’s because with the right nutrition, your dog can have the best health and best life. 

Let’s Take a Look at The Different Types of Dog Poop.

  • Normal Dog Poop: This type of dog poop is just what you want. It’s firm, like a dough and is medium-chocolate brown in color. The poop emoji looks like it does because the perfect poop coils out very similarly, showing it took the perfect ride though your dog’s intestines. Not too hard and not too soft, you won’t see any abnormalities or parasites and contrary to popular belief, it shouldn’t even really smell that horribly. Don’t get us wrong, poop stinks. But it shouldn’t be terribly foul if it’s healthy poop.
  • Diarrhea or Watery Stool: Loose, runny or watery stool is a mess for you and for your dog. It is a sign that something isn’t great in the gut. It could be stress, diet changes, infection, parasites or more. Sometimes watery stools may contain food that’s not been digested. Diarrhea or watery dog stool can be dangerous becasue your dog can dehydrate rather quickly. If your dog is suffering from diarrhea, keep a close watch for signs of dehydration.
  • Constipated Poop: Poop that comes from constipation is a type of dog poop that can be painful for your best friend. It can be due to anything from insufficient exercise or water to changes in diet or even underlying health concerns. Constipation can lead to poop that’s rock-hard and difficult to pass, which can be super painful for your pup. You may see them straining or whining from abdominal pain and the final product is dry and typically a darker brown.
  • Bloody Stool: Another type of dog poop pet parents see is that which has blood in it. If you see blood in dog poop, you may see signs of an underlying health concern like an intestinal blockage, colitis, IBS or even cancer. Sometimes the blood in dog poop will be bright red and fresh. Sometimes, it can be dark and tarry, which means it likely has been an issue a bit. If you notice your dog has bloody stool, you should consult with your veterinarian to be sure there’s not something severe happening.
  • Mucous Stool: If you see mucous in your dog’s poop, it may be suffering from inflammation or infection. Mucous stool is usually slimy or slippery and can often be accompanied by diarrhea, bad gas, or other digestive problems. Sometimes very small amounts of mucous may be a lubricant for dog poop, but if continued, it could also be a sign of colitis or other digestive condition. It could even be parasites or infections, so checking with your vet is not a bad idea. Another type of dog poop that is similar is greasy or oily, and that could be a sign of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) so be sure to mention this to your vet.
  • Undigested Food in Poop: If your dog is pooping big plops of what seems like undigested food, that is a sign that it may not be getting the nutrients it needs from the food you feed. It could be because of an intolerance to the food or an underlying health concern or even parasites. It could be that they’re not getting enough fiber to ensure the food moves through the digestive tract appropriately to be broken down and absorbed, and you want to take care of that quickly, so they’re not malnourished.

Why Is Bernie’s Perfect Poop Important for All Types of Dog Poop?

Different types of dog poop tell about your dog's gut health There’s a reason your vet wants to check your dog’s poop out at their annual visits, and it’s not just about parasites or worms. A dog’s poop tells so much about their gut health, and that tells a lot about their overall health. When you’re dealing with abnormal types of dog poop, it’s a sure sign your dog’s gut health is suffering. That’s why Bernie’s Perfect Poop is important for all types of dog poop your best friend has. Whether your dog is suffering from diarrhea, constipation, malabsorption or other issues, Perfect Poop helps ensure that their gut is the healthiest it can be. A key piece of dogs having the best poop is making sure they have enough high-quality fiber. It’s this fiber that makes their food go through their digestive system at the perfect speed for absorption and also helps both constipated poop and diarrhea be just the right consistency. Perfect Poop also has pre- and probiotics that populate your dog’s microbiome and digestive enzymes, ensuring that the food you feed is broken down for maximum absorption. Not to mention, Perfect Poop is in two delicious formulas dogs go nuts for. The perfect type of dog poop is right at your fingertips–just add Perfect Poop to every meal your dog eats and get ready for perfect piles of poop to follow!

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