Bernie’s Perfect Poop helps relieve the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome in dogs
If your dog has an upset tummy, you’ll likely know it. Stinky gas, gurgling stomach, abdominal pain, runny poops or even constipation will be the movements of the day. Irritable Bowel Syndrome, also known as colitis in dogs, is a gastrointestinal disease that causes inflammation in the lining of the bowels. How can Bernie’s Perfect Poop help relieve the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or colitis?
- It’s important right off the bat to know that there is a difference between irritable bowel syndrome in dogs (IBS) and Inflammatory Bowel Disease in dogs (IBD). While many symptoms overlap in both IBS and IBD, they are different conditions. IBS or colitis in dogs may seem acute; it can come and go (and often does) and is typically triggered by anxiety or something specifically upsetting your dog’s stomach such as a bacteria infection. On the other hand, IBD is a chronic, long-term condition and same symptoms like diarrhea and chronic vomiting may linger without intervention, especially when the immune system is compromised. Think of IBS or colitis as symptoms that come and go (often in groups) whereas IBD is a chronic condition and disease that affects your dog longer-term and more holistically. IBD symptoms are more pronounced than IBS symptoms.
- When it comes to treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms in dogs, many dog owners usually place their dogs on anti-diarrhea drugs. However, giving a premium fiber should be the first step. Bernie’s Perfect Poop contains natural ingredients such as the Miscanthus grass that will help firm your dog’s stool up as it goes through his digestive tract. Combined with dried pumpkin and flaxseed, Bernie’s will absorb water from your dog’s digestive tract and bulk up his stool as it moves through the intestines. Diarrhea is the most significant symptom of IBS, and the high-quality combination of fiber in Perfect Poop will make your dog’s poop firmer and treat IBS in the end.
- Bernie’s Perfect Poop also combines prebiotics and probiotics to balance your dog’s gut microbiome. Your dog’s gut flora is a major player in his stomach’s balance. When his gut health is as it should be, there’s a thriving community of good bacteria (probiotics) that keep harmful bacteria from growing and ensure normal bowel movements. There will also be fewer digestive issues for your dog. Triggers for IBS like anxiety or diet intolerances (eating something that doesn’t agree with them) can throw a dog’s gut out of whack and cause IBS symptoms. The pre- and probiotics in Bernie’s Perfect Poop encourage optimal dog gut health by balancing his microbiome and helping it be a flourishing source of healthy microorganisms. An added bonus of Miscanthus grass as the main fiber in Perfect Poop for your dog’s diet is that it has Xylooligosaccharides (XOS). The XOS prebiotic in Miscanthus grass has been clinically proven to add beneficial bacteria (and prohibit the growth of bad bacteria) in the gut, and it’s also highly digestible. A healthy gut means less irritation and symptoms of IBS.
- Digestive enzymes also help soothe IBS symptoms because they break down your dog’s food more efficiently. When this happens, your dog can absorb the nutrition from his food, which means less irrigation to his digestive system. It also means less waste that he needs to expel in his poop. The perfect poop is always a goal when your dog is suffering from IBS because it means they’re less irritated and you’re cleaning up after them less.
- Ensuring good dog gut health is the key to avoid a trigger of IBS, it can also be an effective means of treating the most common symptoms of colitis in dogs. Bernie’s Perfect Poop is the premier 4-in-1 combination of fiber, prebiotics, probiotics, and enzymes that will do just that. When your dog has good gut health, his entire digestive process is healthier and he suffers from IBS less. That means you suffer less too!