Sure, Everybody Poops. But When It’s Doggy Diarrhea? Eww. Unless You Enjoy Dealing With Montezuma’s Revenge In Your Doggo’s Behind…Keep Reading.

You know the scene.

You come home and find out the very hard way that your dog is suffering from the runs. Let us reiterate that…we know it’s the VERY hard way to find out because it looks like a fecal bomb has exploded in your television room. You know something is very, very wrong the second you walk in and take a whiff, and your poor pup is just sitting there, looking like he’s ready to hand in his ‘Best Friend’ card out of sheer embarrassment.

Or maybe it’s you and Fido out for a morning stroll and you come up to that sweet little old lady neighbor of yours to have a chat. Fido feels it’s a great time to pop a squat too but instead of something you can easily pick up with your doggy poop bag (and look like the heroic, responsible citizen you are), your dog’s butt runs like a faucet and your neighbor’s just watching horrifically.

Just us?

Nah, we didn’t think so. Millions of dogs suffer from bouts of diarrhea and while it’s often just a simple one and done reaction to something awry in what they ate, dog diarrhea can be triggered by so many other things. Poor nutrient absorption, too much human food (no judging!), anxiety…allergies, infections, leaky gut—and so many other things all lend themselves to your dog having a horrible case of poop soup.

But this isn’t all depressing! The good news is that your dog’s butt isn’t supposed the be the starting point for the back-door-trots. And even better news in that Bernie’s Perfect Poop can come to the rescue! (Que valiant theme music here!) Yes, it’s a very, very good thing that you’ve clicked here!

Let’s Just Talk About Perfect Poop, Shall We?

We’re not going to beat around any bushes here. We weren’t looking for any fancy-schmancy names when we came up with Bernie’s Perfect Poop. Our dog’s butt stank and what came out wasn’t always something we could even attempt to clean up, so we had to figure out a solution.

Which meant we did a lot of work to figure out not only how to achieve the perfect poop, but what it even was in the first place.

So what does the perfect poop actually look like?

Photo of a smiling dog sitting on the grass next to a fresh poo.

Well, think of your dog’s rear as a diamond mine. Not picturing it? Try harder—but throw in the Four Cs of dog poop: Color, Consistency, Content and Coating.

You want your dog’s poop to be a nice chocolate-brown color. Seriously, think about the poop emoji—that’s a pretty realistic goal you ought to shoot for! When it’s brown, it means your dog’s releasing enough bile to break down its food and the bilirubin in the bile gives it that nice chocolate color.

Which meant we did a lot of work to figure out not only how to achieve the perfect poop, but what it even was in the first place.

So what does the perfect poop actually look like?

Photo of a clay sculpture of the poop emoji.

Well, think of your dog’s rear as a diamond mine. Not picturing it? Try harder—but throw in the Four Cs of dog poop: Color, Consistency, Content and Coating.

When it comes to consistency? Did you know that there’s actually a consistency scale vets use to rate the firmness of a dog’s poop? There is and it ranges from 1-7 with a 1 meaning your dog’s essentially dropping rabbit turds and a 7 meaning your dog’s butt looks like a chili factory. Neither situation is a good one, friends, and you’d like your doggo to be pooping a 2-3. No, when it comes to going number two in dogs, it’s not best to be 1st. Not that we advocate you playing with it, but think firm, segmented caterpillar shaped Play-Doh when looking for the perfect consistency in poop.

You most likely won’t see any specific contents in the perfect poop and that’s a GOOD thing! The perfect poop means it’s a pretty uniform excretion (isn’t that a fun word?) and foreign objects, fur or worms (GAHHH) are not friendly finds.

As for the coating of the perfect poop? Well, it shouldn’t have any. When you’re picking your dog’s poop up from the grass and it leaves any trail behind? That’s probably some sort of coating, and you want to address that.

The Four Cs of dog poop were what drove us to create a supplement that would mean less nastiness for us and more happiness for our Bernie. (Yes, his real name is Bernie and it’s really his supplement.)

You did, you did and that’s a very good thing because doggy diarrhea really is a problem. Not only is it a hot mess for you to deal with (a stinky one at that), it can be unhealthy for your dog. They get embarrassed when all they’ve got to give is poop juice and it doesn’t feel great either.

Not to mention, when your dog suffers from diarrhea, they can lose their appetite, become lethargic, become dehydrated or even need immediate veterinarian attention if extended periods of diarrhea happen.

So, what do you do? We’re glad you asked…because in the research and development of Bernie’s Perfect Poop, we learned not only about how we could work toward the perfect poop for our dogs, but help solve some of the messiest doggy problems out there—diarrhea.

But what about explosive poop? I clicked here because my dog’s butt won’t stop!

You did, you did and that’s a very good thing because doggy diarrhea really is a problem. Not only is it a hot mess for you to deal with (a stinky one at that), it can be unhealthy for your dog. They get embarrassed when all they’ve got to give is poop juice and it doesn’t feel great either.

Photo of a dog pooping outdoors.

So, what do you do? We’re glad you asked…because in the research and development of Bernie’s Perfect Poop, we learned not only about how we could work toward the perfect poop for our dogs, but help solve some of the messiest doggy problems out there—diarrhea.

Let’s talk about how Bernie’s can turn explosive diarrhea into Perfect Poop.

Fiber first

First, know that the high-quality fiber in Bernie’s Perfect Poop is a warrior when it comes to fighting poop. And it’s not just any fiber—it comes from Miscanthus grass, pumpkin and flaxseed. That powerful combination is what vets most recommend to bulk your dog’s stool up in his colon and to absorb that excess liquid inside (instead of let it drip out of his rear like he’s painting the floor). Think of it like a sponge—the more quality fiber (or sponge material) in your dog’s colon, the more that nasty runny stuff will be absorbed and the less it’ll exploded out of his backside. Bernie’s Perfect Poop is the perfect balance of insoluble and soluble fiber that creates solid poop and a healthy gut.

Prebiotics and probiotics power

Speaking of a healthy gut…unless your dog has a serious condition or disease that manifests in diarrhea, it’s likely that the diarrhea you’re dealing with in your dog stems from an unhealthy gut. Your dog has to have a healthy supply of prebiotics in his gut to feed the good bacteria in his gut, and he has to have enough probiotics (good bacteria) in his gut to battle all the nasty bad bacteria that can try to take your dog’s gut over. Seriously…have you ever seen what your dog will get into? Think of all the nasty bacteria that’s just looking to make a nice vacation home in your dog’s gut. Without a good dog microbiome, that’s just what they’ll find.

Prebiotics and Probiotics work together to make sure that doesn’t happen, and that your dog’s balanced gut produces the perfect poop.

‘E’ is for Enzymes

Bernie’s also includes something that a lot of other dog gut health products don’t—enzymes. Enzymes are made by your dog’s pancreas and they break apart the proteins, sugars and fats from your dog’s food so the nutrients can be absorbed.

The problem is that in many cooked, dry dog foods, enzymes in the food also necessary to help break it down are damaged and supplementation with quality enzymes means your dog gets more nutrition and has a healthier gut. Have we mentioned that healthier guts give dogs better poop?

Just in case you’ve missed it: Healthier guts give dogs better poop.

Look, just do your dog a solid (see what we did there?) and give Bernie’s a try. You know you don’t love cleaning up diarrhea and you know your dog doesn’t like the dishonorable discharge that comes from his rear.

Photo of a woman at the park cleaning up her dog's poop with a bag.

If you’re tired of dealing with your dog’s anal grease, order Bernie’s Perfect Poop now.

But wait…there’s more!

What if we told you there was even MORE good news about Bernie’s Perfect Poop?

What would you do if you knew that Bernie’s wouldn’t just turn your dog’s runny bum off and save you from having to clean up that stinky mess, but could ALSO help you with some other unpleasantries our doggies like to share?

Say, for instance, you could help freshen your dog’s nasty trash breath? Or kick stinky dog farts to the curb? Speaking of stink…wouldn’t it be nice if your dog had not only nice, solid poop but said poop didn’t make your eyes water with the smell?

You’re in luck. Look, perfect poop can’t be perfect if it reeks, can it? So Bernie’s works on helping get rid of some of the other not-so-great smells that can come from your dog’s mouth and butt by helping give your dog good gut health. Yes, good gut health makes all the difference. Go ahead and click now to buy. We’ll wait.

Not convinced?

Not convinced? We’re not sure how since we’ve clearly been compelling. That’s okay, if you don’t believe Bernie’s Perfect Poop will make a difference in your dog’s poop shoot, check out pup parents who love to share poop stories on social media. Who doesn’t want to rave about saying goodbye to their dog’s explosive dirtie turdies?

Wait! There’s even more!

We know, we know…you can’t believe that Bernie’s Perfect Poop can offer all of this amazingness for your dog. We get it. We knew it was a big task—finding the perfect ingredients to help give our dogs great gut health and end our battles with diarrhea, bad breath, stinky farts and stinky poop.

But in the process? We learned the powerful combination of quality fiber, pre- and probiotics and enzymes didn’t just help make the perfect poop, but better dog gut health keeps your dog healthier overall. Better Gut Health = Better Immunity, Energy, General Health & More. To sum it up, Health Starts in The Gut.

The only problem with dogs is that they leave us too soon, right? With Bernie’s Perfect Poop helping keep their doggo microbiomes happy and healthy, we’re keeping our dog’s happy and healthy, and for a longer time too.

Good dog gut health is the key to so many issues in our dogs. Does your dog suffer from excessive itching or licking? Anxiety? Depression? Constipation? Colitis? Anal Gland issues—is he a rug butt-scooter? Does he suffer from skin allergies or have a hard time sleeping? Does he have joint pains or arthritis? Diabetes? Below is a full list of common dog conditions tied to digestion that Bernie’s can help with.

If you answered, “Yes!” to any of these conditions—you need Bernie’s and we’re talking YESTERDAY! So seriously—what are you waiting for?

Go now and choose a flavor—and get your dog started to better health overall!