Bernie’s Perfect Poop helps dogs lose and maintain weight
Dog obesity is a serious condition, and it’s not one you want to take lightly. When your dog is overweight or has trouble maintaining a healthy weight, a plethora of health conditions can set in. How can Bernie’s Perfect Poop help dogs lose and maintain a healthy weight?
- A high-quality fiber is just what you need to help your dog lose and maintain a healthy weight. A premium fiber combination like that in Bernie’s Perfect Poop will help firm your dog’s stool up as it goes through his digestive tract. Fiber not only helps your dog feel fuller, but it also keeps food going through your dog’s digestive system at just the right speed. It helps balance your dog’s microbiome and healthy dog guts mean healthier weights for your dog.
- Bernie’s Perfect Poop also combines prebiotics and probiotics to balance your dog’s gut microbiome. When your dog’s gut is healthy and balanced, it allows appetite-reducing hormones to be released in your dog’s body. These hormones also increase proteins that reduce fat storage in your dog’s body, and instead help excess fat be excreted in his poop. All of this happens when your dog’s microbiome is in check. The prebiotics and probiotics in Bernie’s encourage optimal dog gut health to keep your dog’s gut in shape and digestive health strong. Strong digestive health means better, healthier weights.
- Every cell of your dog’s body needs nutrients. If your dog is not getting enough nutrition from his food, he may instinctively eat more to stabilize. Bernie’s Perfect Poop enzymes help break food down more efficiently, which means your dog’s body can absorb more nutrition. This will fuel their metabolism and give them more energy to get all the exercise they need. Proper exercise and nutrition are key factors in healthy weights for dogs.
- Bernie’s Perfect Poop is a 4-in-1 combination of fiber, prebiotics, probiotics, and enzymes. Bernie’s helps bring optimal gut health to your dog, and this means their overall health is in tip-top shape too. When dogs have the right gut health, they’ll have better overall moods and energy to appropriately exercise and burn calories. This will keep them in their best physical shape too.