Bernie’s Perfect Poop helps dogs fight viral infections
Experts agree. The best way to help your dogs fight viral infection is to help them maintain good health through preventative care, adequate exercise, proper sleep and proper nutrition. Bernie’s can help fight viral infection by helping boost nutrient absorption and improving dog gut health.
- High-quality fiber can help your dog fight viral infections because it aids in proper digestion. Fiber keeps food going through your dog’s digestive system at a rate that allows the nutrients you feed your dog to be properly absorbed. When your dog can get full nutrition from high-quality food, they’re better prepared to fend off and fight against viral infection.
- Bernie’s Perfect Poop also combines prebiotics and probiotics to balance your dog’s gut microbiome. Research continues to show that healthy gut flora not only prevents virus contraction, but helps lessen the severity and impact as well. Bernie’s prebiotics and probiotics encourage optimal dog gut health to keep your dog’s gut in shape and digestive health strong. Strong digestive health means good gut microbiomes, and better microbiomes fight viral infection.
- Every cell of your dog’s body needs nutrients. If your dog is not getting enough nutrition from his food, he may have conflicting signals going on in his gut. The blend of enzymes in Bernie’s encourages efficient nutrient absorption and strengthens your dog’s immune system for maximum performance. Food that’s broken down efficiently can be absorbed efficiently and that leads to a healthier gut. A healthier gut is key to treating and preventing viruses in dogs.
- Bernie’s Perfect Poop is a 4-in-1 combination of fiber, prebiotics, probiotics, and enzymes. Bernie’s helps bring optimal gut health to your dog, and this means their overall health is in tip-top shape too. Good overall health starts in the gut, and Bernie’s is the best way to make sure your dog’s gut health is the best it can be.