Bernie’s Perfect Poop helps battle upset stomach in dogs
When your dog suffers from an upset stomach, they may have vomiting, diarrhea and pain. How can Bernie’s Perfect Poop upset stomach in dogs?
- Good dog gut health is important for your dog’s overall health, and certainly in preventing an upset stomach. Food and diet impact your dog’s tummy troubles. Generally speaking, if there is an issue with the food you give, your dog is not able to digest and process properly. This means an upset stomach may be sure to follow. Bernie’s helps your dog digest foods better, and this helps stop his upset stomach.
- The quality of food you give can make a difference in your dog having an upset stomach. Some foods are hard for dogs to digest, and that means they may suffer indigestion and an upset stomach. Quality fiber helps your dog digest his food and that keeps his stomach from being upset. The perfect combination of Miscanthus grass, pumpkin and flaxseed in Bernie’s gives your dog the fiber they need to have a happy, healthy tummy.
- Bernie’s Perfect Poop also combines prebiotics and probiotics to balance your dog’s gut microbiome. If your dog’s gut is imbalanced, harmful bacteria take over and can create an upset stomach for sure. The prebiotics and probiotics in Bernie’s encourage optimal dog gut health to give your dog good dog gut health, and that keeps an upset stomach at bay.
- Every cell of your dog’s body needs nutrients. The combination of enzymes in Bernie’s breaks your dog’s food down. When your dog can break his food down, there’s less indigestion to cause an upset stomach and less pain for your pooch.
- Bernie’s Perfect Poop is a 4-in-1 combination of fiber, prebiotics, probiotics, and enzymes. Good dog gut health is the key to a happier, healthier life for your dog. An upset stomach in your dog almost always means there’s an imbalance in their gut. Bernie’s helps balance the digestive tract and provide a better gut microbiome. Better dog gut health means your dog’s stomach is optimal.