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  5. Can dogs with seasonal grass allergies tolerate the Miscanthus grass in Perfect Poop?

Can dogs with seasonal grass allergies tolerate the Miscanthus grass in Perfect Poop?

Yes, dogs with seasonal grass allergies typically tolerate Perfect Poop well.

Some pet parents, whether through allergy testing or recognizing the patterns of seasonal symptoms, find that their dogs’ immune systems are over-activated by the life cycle of some grasses. Many dogs with seasonal grass allergies thrive on Perfect Poop, even though it does contain a type of grass, Miscanthus grass, as a source of high-quality fiber.

The primary concern with grass allergies typically relates to pollen from grasses such as Bahia, Bluegrass, Johnson Grass, and Timothy grass. These allergies are often triggered by inhalation or direct skin contact with airborne pollen.

In contrast, the Miscanthus grass used in Perfect Poop functions differently. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Different Reproduction Method: Miscanthus is a sterile hybrid grass primarily reproduces through propagation of rhizomes (underground stems), not through airborne pollen like many other grasses. This means it produces significantly less pollen.
  • Less Likely to Be an Airborne Allergen: Due to its low pollen production and different reproductive strategy, Miscanthus grass is less likely to cause airborne allergies that are more prone to affect the skin and lungs.
  • Oral Ingestion vs. Inhalation: Allergies to grass are often due to inhalation of pollen or contact with the skin. Since Perfect Poop is ingested, this may reduce the likelihood of an allergic reaction.
  • Processing Method: Our Miscanthus is harvested after the grass has senescence, or died back, leaving only the fiber-rich stems, then processed during the winter, when the dried-out, brown grass yields the best fiber content. Once the ground Miscanthus grass is mixed in with the rest of the ingredients, it would be highly unlikely for a dog to encounter grass pollen via Perfect Poop.
  • Consult Your Veterinarian: Each dog’s allergies and reactions can be unique. We recommend consulting with your veterinarian, especially if your dog has a history of sensitivities.
  • Satisfaction Guarantee: We understand the importance of your dog’s health and well-being. If you find that Perfect Poop isn’t suitable for your dog for any reason, we offer a full refund. We are committed to your peace of mind and your dog’s health.

In summary, while the grass in Perfect Poop is different from typical allergy-causing grasses, we recommend discussing this with your vet to ensure it’s a good fit for your dog’s specific health needs. Your dog’s well-being is our top priority, and we’re here to support you in finding the best solution for their health.

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