Illustration of Bernie wearing a telephone headset.

Bernie’s Gut Health Blog

Bernie’s Gut Health Blog focuses on pet digestion, nutrition, food and general health. Bernie also adds some tidbits of his own dog wisdom.

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Creating Probiotic Smoothies For Dogs: Benefits And Recipes

Creating Probiotic Smoothies For Dogs: Benefits And Recipes

They’re our best friends, and our dogs deserve the best nutrition and care. At Bernie’s Best, we understand that every wag of the tail and affectionate nuzzle comes from a place of pure, unconditional love and trust. It’s what inspires us to take the best care of them that we can, and one of our favorite ways to love on them and care for their overall well-being is to treat them with probiotic smoothies. Creating probiotic smoothies for dogs is fun and easy and lets us enrich their health and happiness with every slurp!

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Outdoor Activities that Can Enhance Your Dog’s Mobility

Outdoor Activities that Can Enhance Your Dog’s Mobility

As dog lovers and advocates for their well-being, we very much understand that a dog’s mobility is more than their physical movement. It’s about joy, freedom, and the essence of what makes our furry best friends happy. Maintaining your dog’s mobility is crucial not only for their physical health but also for their emotional well-being. Outdoor activities for dogs can go a long way in enhancing their mobility so they can live their best lives.

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Gut Health for Senior Dogs: Tailoring the Approach For Our Older Friends

Gut Health for Senior Dogs: Tailoring the Approach For Our Older Friends

Like us, our canine friends experience changes in their digestive system as they grow older, which can affect their overall health and happiness. As they age, senior dog needs change too, and we see that with our own Bernie and Lady. Still, keeping gut health in check is important, especially in senior dogs, so here are some tips on maximizing your dog’s gut health.

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A Crucial Link: How Plaque And Tartar Affect Overall Health In Dogs

A Crucial Link: How Plaque And Tartar Affect Overall Health In Dogs

When we think of our furry friends’ health, we often consider their diet, exercise, and suggestions our vets make to keep them at their best. Not often enough do we think of dog oral health and wellness, though. The connection between your dog’s oral hygiene and overall health is important, influencing everything from their digestive system to their mood! Keeping plaque and tartar away in dogs is way more important than most people know!

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Fermented Vegetables For Dogs? You Bet!

Fermented Vegetables For Dogs? You Bet!

In the ever-evolving world of canine nutrition, fermented vegetables stand out as a significant addition to a dog’s diet. Just like they do for humans, fermented vegetables bring a whole host of benefits to your doggy’s microbiome. This can make a huge difference in a healthy gut, which can make a difference in an enhanced immune system and overall health!

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Probiotics for Puppies: Establishing a Healthy Gut from the Start

Probiotics for Puppies: Establishing a Healthy Gut from the Start

They’re the sweetest things you’ve ever seen, and they have the cutest little bellies! But inside that adorable little puppy tummy is a whole microbiome waiting to grow and develop, and how it does can make a difference in its health and longevity throughout its whole life. Let’s take a look at establishing a healthy puppy gut and, more specifically, what you need to know about probiotics for puppies.

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Joint Health and Breed-Specific Concerns: What You Need to Know

Joint Health and Breed-Specific Concerns: What You Need to Know

When it comes to our furry friends, joint health is something we sometimes overlook until problems pop up. However, being proactive about joint health is crucial, and there are many overlapping concerns; different dog breed sizes also have different joint health needs. From the energetic Chihuahua to the majestic Great Dane, each breed and size often has its unique set of joint health concerns. Here’s what you should know about joint health in dogs and how to address size-specific concerns.

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Dog Teeth Brushing Or Dental Chews: Which Is Better For Dog Dental Health?

Dog Teeth Brushing Or Dental Chews: Which Is Better For Dog Dental Health?

Doggy kisses are the best, but not so much when their breath is stinky. But worse, stinky dog breath and dirty dog teeth are signs of poor dental health in dogs. As more science supports that good oral health is important for good overall health, we want to know the best ways to take care of our best friends’ mouths. So, is the trusty toothbrush better than today’s nutritional supplements and dental chews for dogs? Is it better to brush your dog’s teeth or give them supplements for dental health? Or, is there more to it?

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Innovative Dog Care: Natural Support for ACL Rehabilitation in Dogs

Innovative Dog Care: Natural Support for ACL Rehabilitation in Dogs

If your dog is recovering from an ACL tear, you know that recovery may feel a long way off. In fact, many dogs with ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) tears will navigate the rest of their lives with that recovery. Helping them naturally with supplementation and exercises may sound daunting, but we have great tips to help!

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