General Health Concerns


Inflammation is a natural immune response in dogs to combat injury or infection. However, when this process becomes chronic, it can significantly impact digestive health. Managing chronic inflammation is therefore key to maintaining a healthy digestive system in dogs. Dogs can experience chronic inflammation in various areas of their body, each with its own causes and implications:

  • Digestive System: Chronic inflammation in the digestive tract, known as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), can lead to symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting, and weight loss. This can be due to dietary issues, allergies, or autoimmune conditions.
  • Joints: One of the most common areas for chronic inflammation in dogs is their joints. Conditions like arthritis and hip dysplasia are prime examples where inflammation leads to pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility.
  • Gums and Teeth: Periodontal disease is a common source of chronic inflammation in dogs. Poor dental health can lead to inflamed gums, infections, and, in severe cases, can affect other organs if bacteria enter the bloodstream.
  • Skin: Dogs often suffer from chronic skin inflammation, manifesting as allergies, dermatitis, or hot spots. These conditions can be triggered by environmental allergens, food sensitivities, or parasites like fleas and ticks.
  • Ears: Chronic ear infections, often seen in dogs with floppy ears or those with allergies, lead to inflammation of the ear canal. This can cause discomfort, itching, and pain.
  • Eyes: Conditions like conjunctivitis or uveitis can result in chronic inflammation in the eyes, leading to redness, pain, and vision problems.
  • Respiratory System: Dogs can also experience chronic inflammation in their respiratory system, often due to allergies or chronic bronchitis, which can lead to coughing and difficulty breathing.
  • Urinary Tract: Chronic inflammation of the bladder or urinary tract, sometimes due to infections or bladder stones, can cause discomfort and urinary issues.

It’s important to remember that reducing inflammation anywhere in the body, including the digestive system, contributes to overall health. A healthy gut is crucial for nutrient absorption, which supports not just digestive and joint health but overall vitality

Inflammation Explained

When a dog’s joint is damaged, either due to injury, wear and tear, or conditions like arthritis, the body triggers an inflammatory response.

When you’re injured, this inflammation is actually a good thing. The area you injured will become red and swell as an army of beneficial white blood cells flow in to fight infection and help you heal. The same response occurs in other parts of your body when you encounter a virus or infection.

The inflammatory process involves the release of chemicals from the body’s white blood cells to protect against foreign substances. However, this response can cause joint swelling, redness, and pain, as the increased blood flow and accumulation of immune cells in the joint area lead to these symptoms.

Other than joint injury, dogs can face inflammation from various sources, including dietary imbalances, obesity, pathogens, and chronic diseases like arthritis or ongoing dental infections. Environmental factors, such as exposure to allergens, can also trigger inflammatory responses. Inflammation, while a natural response to injury or illness, can become problematic when it is chronic or widespread throughout the body.