What is acupuncture for dogs?
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medicine that originates with the philosophy that an imbalance of vital energies in the body causes illness. The healing technique involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points in a dog’s body.
These points are specifically located where the blood vessels and nerves converge. The point sites are also referred to as meridians and transmit energy throughout the body. It restores energy balance in the body which promotes healing by correcting the imbalances and encourages the body to heal naturally.
Health benefits of acupuncture for dogs
- Normalizes digestive activity
- Helps control diarrhea and nausea
- Manages pain
- Reduces the side effects of chemotherapy
- Reduces the effects of hip dysplasia and arthritis
- Improves skin problems such as hot spots and allergic reactions
- Benefits dogs that suffer from respiratory issues such as asthma
Here are three excellent ideas that will help your dog feel calm during acupuncture:
- Use a Professional Acupuncturist – Find an experienced and professional canine acupuncturist that is highly educated with the treatment. A professional with a calm personality and patience to treat a nervous dog is essential to providing your dog with a successful acupuncture treatment session.
- Bring Toys – Most dogs have the cuddle toy they just can’t live without. Bring it along for the session and place it next to your dog or prop it under their head during treatment so they can feel comfortable and safe.
- Bring Music – Classical music or any other soft type of music is extremely helpful calming the body, mind, and soul. Play it softly during the session to help your dog relax. Discuss further calming options with the acupuncturist if your dog can’t seem to sit still or feels scared.
Helpful supplements for dogs with digestive problems
Acupuncture is known for normalizing digestive activity which is extremely helpful for dogs that suffer from issues. However, adding an all-natural high fiber supplement such as Bernie’s Perfect Poop makes an extraordinary combination with acupuncture and helps maintain a healthy digestive tract throughout your dog’s lifetime.
Bernie’s features high-quality ingredients such as Miscanthus grass, pumpkin, and flaxseed which work together to supercharge your dog’s digestion. You can depend on Bernie’s Perfect Poop to maintain a healthy digestive system and work in perfect harmony with acupuncture treatments to provide your dog with optimal health benefits.