Why Is Homeopathic Care for Dogs Important?

July 19, 2019
Photo: A King Charles Spaniel smiles as he has good oral health.

Does your little love bug freak out every time you take them to the veterinarian? Chances are you can cure many of your dog’s ailments at home with homeopathic medicine. Homeopathy is a holistic approach to healing that involves natural substances to stimulate the natural healing process.

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How Homeopathic Care Can Improve Your Dog’s Health

Homeopathic care uses natural minerals, plants, vitamins, and oils to stimulate the body to heal itself by boosting the immune system. The all-natural homeopathic remedies are created to suit the needs of dogs and have been proven to be an effective form of medicine when used correctly.

4 Benefits of Homeopathy for Dogs

  1. Fewer side effects compared to standard conventional medicines
  2. Naturally treats a variety of health conditions and ailments
  3. Works with the body’s natural immune system to encourage overall good health
  4. Highly effective for treating and preventing conditions without prescription drugs that can be costly

Here Are Some Excellent Tips to Help Your Dog’s Breath Smell Better:

  • Borax – This remedy is excellent for soothing and calming dogs that suffer from anxiety. It is especially helpful for dogs that fear loud noises such as fireworks and thunderstorms.
  • Arnica – Dogs that suffer from general pain from arthritis and injuries will benefit from this homeopathic remedy. It’s best known and used to successfully treat musculoskeletal injuries and reduce general pain.
  • Silica – This homeopathy remedy is used to treat abscesses, sinusitis and is also highly effective for removing foreign bodies from the skin such as splinters and thorns.

Taking Control of Your Dog’s Health with Homeopathy Remedies

You can take control of your dog’s health with homeopathy remedies. It’s easy to administer and comes in a variety of different forms such as powder, tablets, pellets, and liquid. A holistic veterinarian can provide you with the exact dosage needed for your dog’s current weight and health status.

Helpful All-Natural Support Supplements for Overall Good Health

You can improve your dog’s overall health with homeopathy remedies and an all-natural supplement such as Bernie’s Perfect Poop. Your dog’s digestive system is a key part of your dog’s body that helps them maintain overall good health.

Bernie’s all-natural supplement features high-quality ingredients such as Miscanthus grass, flax-seed, and pumpkin. We also included probiotics, prebiotics, and enzymes to enhance your dogs gut microbiome for the long haul. This powerful combination of ingredients works together to supercharge your dog’s digestion and boost the immune system! You can depend on Bernie’s Perfect Poop to strengthen the immune system overall, improve their digestion absorption of vitamins, minerals and nutrients in their food, and maintain overall good health with energy!

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